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2020/7/11 22:22:58发布146次查看
  • 包装材料:纸类
  • 适用对象:蜂蜜
  • 包装类型:盒
  • 包装速度:60
  • 提供加工定制:是
  • 品牌:明莘包装
  • 型号:Zh100
  • 功率:2

浙江泡罩板包装机装盒机 药板、板块装盒机,联系人:付先生
it is suitable for packing al/pl blister, bottle,cosmetic playing card and other related similar content compactwith automatic leaflet folding, box opening and loading, batchnumber embossing as well as sealing tec processes. (option hot-gluedevice extra)
it adopts plc control, photoelectricity supervisionto coordinate with every parts. automatic stop and trouble displaywhen machine running exceptional in order to solving troubles intime. this machine can be used separately, and also can connectwith blister packing machines on line.
特点 features:
1.产品 进盒不到位自动停机。
1.    stop automatically ifincorrect position of products into carton.
3.    stop automatically if nocartons or out of leaflets continuous.
4.    easy to change to differentproducts.
5.    protecting automatically foroverloading.
6.    automatically displayingdevice for speed and finished products counting.
ⅰ.main usage and characeristic
zh-100 horizontal packs machine is my company's new products, isa machine, electricity, gas packs integrated multifunction machine.with small size, light weight and wide application, highefficiency, a machine with more advantages.
1.    it can be certain size within a stable orshape the rules of the items and reliable load specificationsspecific carton , the boxes will be sealed out. applicable to abroad range of medicines, food, cosmetics and other relatedindustries carton packaging products.
2.    it can plane as the other machines upstreamterminals finished product packs task also as other downstreammachinery such as bundling and packing processes in the upperreaches of machines on-line use, it can also serve as stand-aloneuse.
3.    it planes to meet user packs to replace theuse of product specifications, replacement die mold types are fewand short production cycle, assembly, testing is simple, applies toboth the high-volume users of a single variety of production needs,users can also satisfy many varieties of small quantities ofproduction needs.
4.    this machine is more suitable forpharmaceutical packaging,with aluminum-aluminum, aluminum-plastic,aluminum aluminum-plastic blister packaging machine on-line use,the best result, accord with national drug production qualitycontrol - gmp the relevant requirements.
5.    it as new multifunction machine packs with thefollowing features:
a.    reasonable struction, drive calm, lownoise;
b.    good packing quality, overall foundereasthetic;
c.    objuct  extensive adaptation, easy toinstall debug;
d.    man-machine interface operation, easy toenactment use, trustiness stablizition;
e.    with perfect examine system and safetyentrench setting, sufficient to ensure the safe operation andpackaging quality
paper: 250~300g/m2 imports white paper version
because of the quality of packaging carton will have a directimpact on the final quality of the packaging and equipment uptime,therefore, the right packaging cartons for the high qualityrequirements, the paper not only met those requirements. while theproduction of carton technique has certain requirements to meet theneeds of process equipment.
技术参数电源:     ac380v三相四线50hz总功率:    1.5kw生产能力:  主机运行速度50-100盒/分       折纸机运行速度50-100盒/分耗气量;    20m3/h(压力0.5-0.7mpa)包装材料;   纸盒质量;250-300g/m2(看纸盒大小定)规格:     **尺寸(lxwxh)200x90x60mm       最小尺寸:(lxwxh)50x20x15mm说明书:   纸的质量55-65g/m2规格:     **尺寸(lxw)260x190mm         最小尺寸:(lxw)100x100mm外形尺寸:   3300x1350x1650mm重量:     约1.2吨



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